Seamless Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration Service | Jayvion Commerce

Migrate your older 1.x Magento stores to the latest Magento 2.x version to give your stores improved security with new features with our Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration Service.


Your Magento 1 Store will be migrated to the latest stable released Magento version.





Magento had announced Magento 1 End of Life in June 2020. And now finally the Magento 1 software support has ended on June 30' 2020.


The announcement had provoked urgency for the store owners who were still using older Magento 1.x versions. Earlier they announced to end support in 2018 but as there are thousands of websites are still running on M1 platforms, it was tough for them to migrate to Magento 2 this sooner. Understanding the scenario, they finally extended to end the support for Magento 1 in 2020.


With Magento 1 EOL, those stores running on Magento 1 versions are vulnerable to potential attacks and may face security issues.


E-commerce businesses must be regularly upgraded to efficiently enable new features, better store functionality, improved user experience, and enhanced security. The investment to upgrade from Magento 1 to 2 is essential as you want your store to be future-proof.


After the release of the next generation E-commerce platform Magento 2, every Magento store owners are in a race to migrate their stores in the newly improved Magento 2 versions.


And if you have still not migrated to the latest Magento 2 version, continue reading as it is just for you.


Jayvion Commerce offers affordable Magento 2 Migration Service to professionally upgrade your older Magento 1.x stores to the latest Magento 2.x versions in order to improve your website performance. Being one of the first companies adopting Magento 2 from the Beta stage, we have performed over 20+ successful Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migrations.





Everything better comes up with its own benefits and limitations. Comparing Magento 1 vs Magento 2 versions, here are the benefits to make the right decision to migrate. They are


  • Flexible architecture for front end and backend
  • Improved performance and scalability
  • User-friendly interface
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Mobile-friendly design and theme layout
  • User-friendly checkout
  • Better admin panel that offers an easy way to manage products, categories, customers and orders
  • Responsiveness and SEO friendly to improve the SERPs and search engine visibility


Additionally, payment providers like Visa are mandating the migration of Magento store in order to be PCI DSS compliant. This is because, after EOL for Magento 1, no security patches will be released for new vulnerabilities and the store will be exposed to them. For PCI DSS compliance, merchants require to be able to demonstrate that their implementation maintains the security systems as per the official standards.





  • The stores may become vulnerable to hackers, spams and become unstable without security measures
  • The existing extensions may not function as expected
  • Magento 1 developers will be rare to find
  • Lack of security may lead to data compromise


Magento 2 provides unmatched flexibility and superior performance until now resulted in more Magento 2 migrations. As of now, there are 2000+ Magento 2 extensions, the quarterly release of new Magento 2 versions with better capabilities, 8000 new Magento 2 website launches quarterly and 30000 existing Magento 2 websites, it's enough reason and wise decision for you to Migrate Magento 1 to 2 now!


Magento 2 migration is not just a migration or up-gradation process, but a new build or rebuild of your online store. Developing your Magento 2 store with substantial framework differences from Magento 1 requires






  • Find the Magento 2-compatible version of existing extensions
  • Review and rewrite the custom code
  • Hence, merchants are recommended to begin the process and start upgrading immediately with expert professionals help!



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