
  1. Unveiling the Promotion Banner Light: Experience the Next Level of Dynamic Promotions!

    Get ready to witness a revolution in online promotion as Jayvion Commerce proudly presents the Promotion Banner Light! This isn't just a product launch; it's a blast into the future of e-commerce, where your ability to captivate customers and drive sales is about to reach unprecedented heights.


    The Promotion Banner Light is not just an extension; it's an extraordinary tool designed to redefine the way you engage with your audience. With its seamless integration with Magento 2 Page Builder, diverse media support, and customizable displays, it unleashes an unparalleled potential to elevate your promotional strategies.


    Stay tuned as we prepare to unleash the power and versatility of the Promotion Banner Light, setting a new standard for dynamic and impactful online promotions.

  2. Step-by-Step Guide: Displaying an Extra Fee on the Total of Order Invoice PDF in Magento 2

    In the world of e-commerce, it is important to provide customers with detailed information about their orders, including any additional fees that may be associated. Unfortunately, the default Magento 2 platform does not have a built-in feature to display extra fees on order invoices. However, with some code enhancements, you can easily incorporate this functionality into your Magento 2 store. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this.

    Step 1: Creating the pdf.xml File

    The first step is to create a pdf.xml file in your module. This file will define the structure and display properties of the extra fee on the order invoice PDF.

    Navigate to your module's etc folder and create a pdf.xml file. In this file, add the following code:


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Sales:etc/pdf_file.xsd">
  3. Displaying an Extra Fee on the Total of Order Invoice PDF in Magento 2

    In the world of e-commerce, it is important to provide customers with detailed information about their orders, including any additional fees that may be associated. Unfortunately, the default Magento 2 platform does not have a built-in feature to display extra fees on order invoices. However, with some code enhancements, you can easily incorporate this functionality into your Magento 2 store. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this.


    Step 1: Creating the pdf.xml File


    The first step is to create a pdf.xml file in your module. This file will define the structure and display properties of the extra fee on the order invoice PDF.


    Navigate to your module's etc folder and create a pdf.xml file. In this file, add the following code:


  4. Update Checkout Summary on Selecting Shipping Method In Magento 2

    Are you a Magento 2 store owner looking for a way to update the checkout summary on selecting a shipping method? The checkout summary plays a crucial role in providing shoppers with a complete overview of their order and the payable amount. However, in some cases, the order summary might fail to reflect the selected shipping charges, which can lead to issues during the checkout process. In this blog post, we will explore a simple solution to address this problem and ensure a smooth shopping experience for your customers.


    Understanding the Checkout Process: Before diving into the solution, let's first gain a better understanding of the checkout process in Magento 2. Magento 2 offers two methods for the checkout process - the two-step checkout and the single-page checkout theme. In the two-step checkout, shoppers fill in their details in the first step, and the payable amount is calculated and displayed in the second step. On the

  5. Integrating Select/Dropdown in Magento 2 UI Component Admin Grid

    Magento 2, the popular e-commerce platform, offers an impressive feature set for businesses and developers alike. Among its offerings, the Magento 2 Admin Grid is a potent tool enabling management and visualization of your store data effectively. Today we'll discuss an essential aspect of customization within the Admin Grid - adding Select/Dropdown components.


    Creating the UI Component:

    To integrate a Select/Dropdown component into your Magento 2 UI Component Admin Grid, you'll start by declaring the UI Component in your XML file.


    <listing xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Ui:etc/ui_configuration.xsd">


    <column name="COLUMN_NAME" component="Magento_Ui/js/grid/columns/select">

  6. Mastering Direct SQL Queries in Magento 2

    Hello, passionate developers of the e-commerce world! 


    Today, we're going to delve into the world of Magento 2, focusing on the execution of direct raw SQL queries. Prepare yourself to unearth a reliable, optimized Magento get collection query technique that promises faster, uncomplicated data updating.


    Why Opt for Direct SQL Queries? At times, having to save each entity in a large data set can become remarkably time-consuming; having to deal with resource-hungry processes that also reduce your system’s usability. To navigate this issue, we can opt to issue a direct SQL query that enables us to update a vast set of entity data swiftly, hence enhancing performance. With Direct SQL queries, the requirement for Model/Factory Pattern is eliminated, saving you some precious coding time.


    Establishing a Connection:

  7. Welcome to Jayvion Commerce: Unveiling Special Launch Offer!

    Welcome to Jayvion Commerce: Unveiling Special Launch Offer!

    We warmly welcome you to Jayvion Commerce, the one-stop solution for your diverse Magento eco-system requirements. As we publish our first blog post, we're eager to share our vision, mission, and a special launch Diwali Festival offer that we believe will make your shopping experience even more delightful!


    Our Story: Jayvion Commerce emerged from an idea - to transform the online shopping dynamic and provide an unprecedented platform that caters to unique customer needs. Formed by a group of individuals united by this shared vision, our team seeks to seamlessly blend advanced technology with standard commerce, curating a shopping space where quality meets convenience.


    Product Curation: One of the differentiators of Jayvion Commerce is our assortment of products. Understanding that the vast selections in the online market can be daunting,

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